My wonderful girlfriend/big sister Lynnn is creating her own music, visual art, narrative magick, etc. under the name XATKHE. You should go buy all her albums on Bandcamp right now so we can move in together.
My big sister Gely (aka Bunny) is making really dope music under the handle recreational abuse. You can find her at as well, or see more of her art and game dev work on Bluesky. She also does funny streams on Twitch sometimes.
My big sister Allie is an amazing visual artist whose work and creative outlook has personally inspired me for many years now. Her most current stuff can be found on Bluesky.
My friend Phoebe is doing invaluable work in scanning and reprinting various extremely rare, out-of-print, and prohibitively expensive books for the common good under the handle Salitter Workings. You can buy her reprints here or browse her massive PDF collections here and here.
My friend ix is an incredible musician whose played in various NY-based metal bands, but her debut solo EP as 10,000 DEAD PIGS is some of the best and most punishing noise I've ever heard.
If you like my work in any capacity, you better be checking out all of this stuff too and/or spending money on it or else you're nothing but a filthy poseur. 🫵